Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super-Snooper Blogfest!

I think it's time I held a blogfest. I've participated in a few, but I haven't hosted one, yet. On March 2, we will have the Super-Snooper Blogfest!

What is that, you ask? Yesterday, I wrote about Sam Gosling's book, Snoop: what your stuff says about you. For the blogfest, you need to describe a setting that tells us something about your character's personality. Characters can be of any age, living in any time or place. But don't tell us about the character, tell us about his or her stuff. We'll get to know the character from what you write.

There will be prizes! I have a copy of Snoop that I will be giving away, so you can become a super-snooper in real life and apply it to your writing. If more than 30 people participate, I'll find a second prize, too (maybe I can convince Sam to sign a copy). So add yourself via the linky gadget below, grab the button, and spread the word!

UPDATE: If you're not quite sure what to write, you can find an example here.


  1. I'm in! I think this is a great blogfest idea! Yippee! I'll blog about it tomorrow to spread the word!

  2. Now that's an interesting idea! Now how would I describe a character that has no use for possessions...

  3. Yay, Megan! Thanks for spreading the word!

    Alex: does your character have no possessions whatsoever? Does he (she?) organize his surroundings at all? I'm sure you can find an indirect way to tell us about him.

  4. Hi,

    I'm in, and have just snatched the banner to post up!


  5. I'm in. But, I need just a liiitle bit more on the description of stuff. Does the character describe their stuff, or another character? Or does the author do this? Got an example paragraph to add?

    Fun Stuff . .

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while. I've been spacey


  6. Glad to see people signing up!

    Thanks Francine!

    Donna: see the videos in this post for ideas. I'll work up an example soon (might not be until next week when the kid's back at school).

    Su: :)

  7. Hi Toby! Yes, you write it on your blog and post it on March 2. And then the participants read each other's posts. Come join us, it'll be fun!

  8. I'm in. I love me some blogfests!

    Fav Quote: "The difference between schizophrenics and writers is that schizophrenics take medicine to quiet the voices in their head. Writers, on the other hand, write down everything those voices tell us and then try and sell it."

  9. This sounds like an interesting blogfest idea, but I might need to fudge the timing, as I'll have a 'Wizard of Mars' chapter to review on the 2nd. Let's see, that'll be chapter 8, 'Shamask-Eilith', and it's thirty-four pages long.

    Is it better if I go on March 1st or the 3rd?

    And good luck with the A-Z blogfest challenge!

  10. I've become addicted to blogfests! Looking forward to it...

  11. kelworthfiles: fudged timing is not a problem. Choose either date that works for you; March 1 might be better, if only because others will be out reading on the 2nd.

    Chippy: excellent!

    Donna: I haven't forgotten your request, I just got sidetracked. I'll get somethign up soon.

  12. Hi Alison

    This looks a fun blogfest :)

    I will have to write it up quick before his home gets burnt to the ground :O ;)

    Join the Crusaders

  13. Dominic: Yes, I think a quick inventory might be in order. If only for insurance purposes. :)

  14. Sounds like a great concept for a blogfest. I'm in!

  15. I will post this up on my blogfest page! sounds fun I'll try to participate :)

    Oh hi by the way- new follower here.

  16. I've just signed up. Never taken part in a blogfest before so it's all new and exciting to me!

  17. Ooh I love this kind of writing and a prize too? That's brilliant, I'm in :O)

  18. Hooray! We're half-way to 30; if we double the participants, I'll add a second prize...
    *rubs hands with glee*

  19. Too cool! Sounds like fun. Looking forward to it.

  20. This sounds like a FUN blogfest!!! <3 I'll mull over this one... Gotta check my scheduled posts. ;)

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  21. Okay, March is pretty much clear until toward the end. Looks like I'm in!


  22. This sounds like fun, and a great way for me to get to know the main character of my current story a bit better too!

  23. Hi,
    I have a quick question. I have read your example, (it's a great piece of descriptive text :)does it have to be written in third person or can I write in first person?



  24. This is a great topic for a blog fest! I'm totally in.

  25. This sounds like so much fun. I'm glad I found this in time to participate.

  26. Holly, First person is fine, as long as you focus on the stuff and not the person's reactions to it. :)

    Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Will be visiting you all tomorrow!

  27. I've posted my blog entry, as it's March 2 here! :D

  28. If there's still time, I'm in. Sounds like awesomely awesome fun! :P

  29. Hi, Alison,

    Better late than never. Sounds like a a blast.


  30. Just posted my entry. A little late, but at least I'm here, right.

  31. Wow, somehow I managed to really lose track of time - I thought that this blogfest was for tomorrow. Sorry I missed it. :(
